What can be done?

The first thing we need is persistence.

This is not a problem that can be fixed with the flick of a switch. While some minor tweaks to the Tree Bylaw are planned for the spring of 2023, it will take at least until the spring of 2024 to pass meaningful changes. But it will take more than laws.

Our enforcement structure is inadequate and lacking transparency. We need the political will to insist on its reform. And we need accountability in order to rebuild our trust in the Town.

Finally, we need to continue to promote a culture of conservation. Even at its best, a community can only preserve what it values. Lexington has become a hot housing market, driving a high turnover in our population. We need to help everyone appreciate what makes this place special, and how easily and irrevocably it can be lost.

Specific Solutions

There are a lot of municipalities that do a better job, to which we can look for inspiration. We have been working on a comprehensive plan to address tree loss in town. More on this soon ...

Taking Action

Still, there are many things you can do right now to help.

  • Sign the Statement of Concern at https://www.lexingtontreestatement.org/

  • Share our site LexTrees.org with your friends, family, and others in your network.

  • Contact your Town Meeting representatives and let them know you care.

      • Find your Town Meeting representatives by precinct here.

      • Find your precinct number here and here.

      • What is Town Meeting, you ask? Read about our New England form of town government here.

  • Put up a yard sign.

  • Lend a hand. We could use all sorts of help, distributing flyers, doing research. Contact us at LexTrees.Org@gmail.com

  • Run for Town Meeting